Many individuals tend to use big words and phrases to express the smallest and simplest idea. Some do it to sound very educated and others do it because its second nature. During class discussions, KISS-keep it simple stupid-is constantly emphasized because when writing for the mass media clarity is extremely important. According to Stovall, simplicity is the key to clarity, which is something that I have to learn. Henry Fowler wrote in Modern English usage, “that short words are not only handier to use but more powerful in effect; extra syllables reduce, not increase, vigour.”
So I now think back, this whole time I have been trying to impress readers by using big and complicated words. Do I feel stupid for not using simple words? Not at all! Stovall makes it very clear. A clear and simple writing style is something that has to be achieved through hard work and dedication. “Almost every writer uses too many words on occasion. Even the best writer needs to be edited.” I finally understand why brevity is one of the most important concepts of media writing. To be honest, I’m probably not even keeping it simple writing this blog-too many words here and there; but, you know what? This is something I am going to work at as time goes on. To master this style is on the top of my list. “I never write metropolis for seven cents because I can get the same price for city. I never write policemen because I can get the same money for cop,” said Mark Twain in regards to using simple words. Do you have a clear and simple writing style? If so, were you born with this gift or did you have to work at it?
1 comment:
I agree! I hate when people use pretentious words to describe something. People try to sound intelligent but end up making total fools of themselves when they use big words in the wrong context, too.
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